
How to put Documents in Blogger Post

If you have a office document in your PC and want to put / add / place in your blogger / blogspot post, now you can.
Follow steps

1. Create a account at Scribd

2. Upload your document [ Supported: Microsoft Office / PDF / Open Office / Text ]

3. Choose file / document from your PC and click UPLOAD button.

4. Describe Your Documents - You can add categories / description / make it private, click Save Changes.

5. Share Your Documents [this is important] - Scroll window down and find Embed Code click Copy button.

6. Now log in Blogger Dashboard --> New Post --> in Post body/content [edit HTML mode] paste code.

7. That's it.

[ Supported File Types: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps xls, xlsx, pdf, ps, odt, odp, sxw, sxi, txt, rtf ]

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